Omni Construction Notices, LLC

‘The Pursuit of Excellence in Establishing
Lien Rights Nationwide.’
- Tina Adams
President & CEO


Create a New Account

Use the form below to create a new account. After we verify your company status with the registrar of contractors we will send you an email notifying you that your account is fully active. This is usually done within one business day, but please feel free to call us at 520.284.9577 if you need expedited service!

Passwords are required to be a minimum of 5 characters in length and must contain a non-alphabetic character.

Company Information

Manager Contact Information

This is the information we will use for contacting a manager or administrator at your company. The confirmation email for creation of your new Omni account will be sent to this person.

Request Form Defaults

These items will be pre-filled on your request forms, but can be changed as you fill out the form. It can be the same as the manger's information, but if a different person completes the forms you can put their information here. If you also want the manager to receive a copy of each form you may check "Copy Request to Mgr".

Lien Waiver Defaults

When you auto-generate lien waivers they will be pre-filled with the related job's information. Enter the information of the person who will normally sign these forms to have it pre-filled on the lien waivers. It can be changed as you fill out the form.